Elevate your Customer Experience

Passively track footfall and use sensor data from dwell-time observations in combination with artificial intelligence to better serve customers, produce marketing insights, increase brand loyalty and have a bottom-line impact on your store’s financial performance.

IoT applications are reforging the retail industry. Smart warehouses optimize the way things are inventoried and shipped. The smart store is allowing retail experience designers to overcome the offline/online boundary. And smartphone applications do the rest by transcending the instore / at home divide.

From automated checkout for totally hands-free payments that reduce wait times in lines to the improved customer experience they offer, IoT in retail is a win-win for customers and companies. Real-time in-store marketing through proximity-activated promotions that push notifications to our smartphones and wearables to personalized messages and offers on inventory, retailers are better enabled to optimize their offers to suit the wealth of consumer behavioral analysis data to which they now have instant access.
Silver Lead can optimize store layout through the identification of client hotspots, help retailers enjoy less inventory shrinkage through improved monitoring of stock and optimize inventory to gain from more-accurate forecasting.

If you are a decision maker who wants to maximize your market investment in connected, intelligent solutions, tap into Silver Lead’s IoT specialists, proven accelerators and knowledge across eight vertical markets to engineer and manage your IoT devices and platforms.