Faster Adoption of Your IoT and AI System Through e-Learning

Building IoT- and AI-enabled systems for enterprises serves only one half of any transformation effort. Enabling the enterprise to adopt those new technologies requires new learning methods. Silver Lead’s management consulting experience blends with its EdTech services to offer a full range of eLearning content development services that includes learning management system design, content creation, graphics, video production and LMS platform automation through IoT and AI technologies.

Accelerated Organizational Development

We offer a wide range of of EdTech and e-learning services to ensure that your AI and IoT transformation project is adopted quickly and effectively by your organization:

  • AI-powered Instructional Design and content development to enhance e-learning for your enterprise users, enabling them to achieve their learning goals quicker and with greater retention.
  • Simulation-based training and assessment modules with illustrative media and user interactions
  • Integration of your new content into a new LMS or CMS
  • SCORM content management for different LMS solutions
  • IoT and AI skills-development solutions, including curated training modules to provide a rich learning experience — either live or online.