Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ongoing evolution of the increasingly automated, intelligent interaction between humans and devices. Silver Lead’s AI application development is helping to redefine the way enterprises operate. AI-integrated apps are becoming smarter, supporting faster decision-making by organizations in every sector.

Our data scientists, mathematicians and software engineers create powerful and intelligent solutions that integrate high-end Artificial Intelligence, converting your ideas into reality. Companies without this rare combination of hardware, software and data science skills use Silver Lead to operate efficiently regardless of the complexity of their AI application concept.

We provide artificial intelligence consulting to help organizations implement this technology today.

AI Development Expertise

Voice Assistance/Natural Language Processing (NLP): Silver Lead develops advanced applications with voice search and voice-activated device-control features to enhance your product or service experience for end users. Activities like sending a message of checking for new mail can leverage a voice assistant integrated with AI to process the request!

Machine Learning: The algorithmic heart of any AI solution, our mathematicians and developers build ML-based solutions and statistical models to progressively improve the performance and accuracy of an AI application — without being programmed.

ChatBots: Improve and extend interactions with your system’s users through a ChatBot. These AI-powered instant messenger agents answer questions and engage humans — without human involvement. They can learn as they interact, offering user instructions, recommendations and guidance in a text-based format online, embedded in a mobile application or to a cell phone, appealing to wider audiences with their anonymity and ability to work 24 X 7.

Deep Learning and Neural Networks: Machine Learning combined with deep learning permits AI applications to focus on representational data rather than task-specific algorithms. A deep learning system can teach itself how to categorize images or classify tasks — in real time with supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised learning involving humans.

Core AI Technologies

We use machine learning tools and algorithms to help companies develop AI-driven products and solutions. Our team has profound knowledge and experience in designing, implementing and integrating Artificial Intelligence solutions within the customers’ business environments.

Our team is experienced in:

  • Machine learning
  • Natural language processing
  • Computer vision
  • Predictive modeling

Our clients either don’t have their own data science teams, or their team is too small to handle all of the tasks needed. With Silver Lead, you’ll save time on hiring top-notch data specialists. Our team of world-class data scientists and machine learning engineers will bring know-how to your project to achieve the results that you want.

Tools & Frameworks

Silver Lead uses the following tools and frameworks for AI Development:

The TensorFlow library is used by our AI developers to build and train neural networks in pattern recognition. It was originally developed by members of Google’s Machine Intelligence research division.

Microsoft Azure
Our AI software engineers use Azure to build, deploy and manage different applications and services. It is a cloud computing infrastructure and platform that leverages Microsoft data centers.

Keras is an open source neural network library based on the Python language. Our data scientists use it to do experiment with deep neural networks. It is lightweight, modular and runs on CPUs and GPUs.