
Silver Lead Technologies develops AI products and services across all industries to address real-world uses for connected, intelligent systems.


Technologist and academic Brian Charles, PhD founded Silver Lead Technologies in 2016 along with a team of global colleagues and practitioners to build connected, intelligent (AI and IOT) technologies through applied research and development.


As a former telecom and management consulting-industry domain expert often retained by McKinsey, Bain and Boston Consulting Group to lead transformational engagements, Brian saw the need for organizations to move beyond being simply aware of their remote devices, equipment and personnel and to imbue them with intelligence -- so that these devices could act without human involvement, producing faster and improved outcomes. The company's work coincided with the wave of development in the AI space that heralded Generative AI.

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Most enterprises understand software development, but hardware engineering, networking and machine learning algorithm development add a level of complexity to a business’s ability to better connect with its users and customers. Silver Lead Technologies simplifies the path to digital transformation with its combined hardware and software engineering practice along with expertise in coaching thousands of executive leaders in the development of a robust AI strategy, delivered through EdTech courses offered through the world's leading universities.